Friday, April 10, 2009

Ghost's of Little Tokyo Book Project

I started my research this week for the book I am writing on the Ghost's of Little Tokyo. I have always been interested in the history of Little Tokyo and of Japanese Americans ever since I started volunteering at the Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo from 1988 to 1996. With over 1000 hours of volunteer service under my belt and those first few years in JANM's Historic building. I have felt and heard things in both the balcony area, and in the back storage areas that was behind the original Altar in the upstairs exhibit hall. For some reason I have always felt uneasy in the balcony of that building, especially in the dark when I used to be usher for the plays and musicals we had in there.

Some background on my reasons for writing this book, My book will be unique because its a Buddhist's perspective on Ghosts and the paranormal. Searching for the truth to hauntings and of an afterlife. There are many books and websites online about Little Tokyo, but I have never seen any books on or about ghosts in Little Tokyo. I think there will be a good market for my book.

Sample Chapters will be:
  • Ghost stories and local legends

  • Buddhist forms of house blessings/clearings and excorism

  • True stories of the paranormal

  • Pictures

  • Some historical info on each location

  • etc...

The hardest part of my research is compiling witness accounts and stories from the public. Places I am interested in: The Japanese American National Museum both the historic and new building, Any of the Temple's or Churches in Little Tokyo as well as shops, restaurants, Hotels, and public places. I am also interested in portions of the Artists District adjacent to Little Tokyo.

Please if anyone who is reading this, who Volunteers or works in Little Tokyo, Please forward me your experiences of the paranormal and ghosts. What have you seen or heard, when did it happen, and is the place still active. I will also need contact names, addresses and phone numbers. Please send them to or send me a message on facebook.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Time for Diet and Exercise...

This past weekend my wife and I went to the Cherry Blossom Festival in Little Tokyo. Yesterday I finally gave in and got my blood pressure and Body Fat Index done...And I got some bad news, First it took four of the girls in the booth 6 times to try to find my for a moment there they thought I was Then one finally found it but couldn't hear it well enough. What they came up with was kind of high, duh I was then irritated since it took them forever using me as a lab rat searching for a pulse. They then did the body fat index, dont know how accurate that hand held machine was. I was measured, lol came out at 5'8.5 what i shrunk half and inch...then the really bad news, I weighed out at 199 lbs, Yes I admit it that I have gotton fatter over the years. Some say its married life that did it, but I say that it was my change in diet and lack of exercise that did me in. I remember when I used to be so skinny, weighing just 115 lbs. Still trying to figure out how much I should way for my age and Height.

So starting today, My wife and I are planning on going on a diet and start some kind of excercise program. Anyone want to be our excercise partners, let me know. Someone to offer me some moral support. Someone to wack me over the head when I reach for that donut or slice of cheese

So I guess I need to go on more Ghost hunting adventures that require alot of hiking up hill. Other news, besides the sunburn I got this weekend, is that I am going into full gear now looking for haunted sites to investigate. Now I am asking my facebook family for help into that matter.
So if you are reading this blog here at Blogspot or at facebook, please send me info on any places you know that are haunted. Until next time, thanks for your time...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Just a couple of Ghost Hunting Pics...

Here are a few of my Ghost Hunting Pics, from the Years past. Enjoy...

El Campo Cemetary, Old Town San Diego near the Whaley House. Look closely at the grave in the center of the picture on the tree. What do you see? Please leave me comments on what you think it is. Note, the grave is of a Native American Chief.

Walking the Streets of Old Town Albuquerque with my brother Joe looking for Ghosts...

Looking for some old Haunts in Angelino Heights, Los Angeles.. This is more recent, the house above was listed for sale for close to $3. Million, Wished I had that much to buy a Haunted House...

Well, Just wanted to post some pictures of some of the places I have been and would like to do more Investigations at.

Friday, April 3, 2009

About adding Ads to my Blog

Hi everyone, Since the economy has been bad and It's even harder for me to find a job in it. I have gave in and added some ads to my blog, to see if I can make any money from it. I also became an affiliate for the Ghost Hunter store, to try to raise money for more ghost hunting tools for my group. To view that add please scroll all the way to the bottem of my blog. I also added some google ads to see if I can make money from that too.

It has been so hard lately finding things to write about here. If you have any suggestions for me to write about please send me a messege at Facebook, or send me a message here. Thanks