Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Undeniables Writers Workshop

Hi everyone, I have been busy lately writing poetry each day and trying to get published. This blog I will update when there is something worth talking about. Please keep an eye on to check out my daily poems.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Tuesday Night Project & JACCC present
Annual Benefit for the Tuesday Night Project
art + music + food + dancing + community under the LA sky
Raising funds to keep TNProject and the "1st & 3rd Tuesday Night Cafe" going strong!
Saturday, July 31 2010
5:00 - 11:00 pm @ JACCC Plaza
244 S. San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
$15 pre-sale, $20 at teh door // $15 student / senior (60+) with ID // children 12 and under FREE

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I survived...Yay

After joining the Undeniables Poetry workshop and have tried to write a poem every day for one month. I may have missed 1 or 2 days but I have kept it pretty consistent. Now that Session 18 has started today for the months of July and August, I will attempt to write at least one poem a day even if its as short as a Haiku. I am going to practice writing Haiku and Tanka poems this month and see how that goes. Next month I will try rhyme. So, I am sorry that I havent kept up with my blogging, its going to be a busy month of, O'bon Hopping and my O'bon at Higashi Honganji is on July 24 and 25th, so come on down and visit us. If I am lucky I will be working one of the booths til dancing starts. Phuong and I will be dancing, I seem to be getttng better at it since I made a commitment to actually go to Bon Odori practice every week. Well until nice time. Gassho...Namu Amida Butsu

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Started to Write Poetry Again

Hi everyone,
I started to write Poetry again after all these years. I decided two weeks ago that I was going to start sending my Poetry out to Publishers again. Then last week while attending the Tuesday Night Cafe at EWP in Little Tokyo, Their was a Professor from CSUN who read a couple of his Poems, who told us about the Undeniables Poetry Workshop. He inspired me into writing again and I joined the workshop.

In the workshop, I had to start a wordpress page and link it to the Undeniables website and write one item in my given genre once a day and post it on my page for everyone to read. The Sessons are two Months each and lets see how long I can keep this going. After one year the editors take 10 best Artists and publish a book with their best Poems. So I will keep it up, because I really want to be a Published Poet, well at least get more then one Poem Published. Well, back to my writing...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stupid Facebook

Last night around 11:00 PM, I took a break from the computer left Facebook open as I usually do and went downstairs for some ice cream. Came back to my room and noticed that my screen said that my log in expired. Went to log back in and the screen said my account had been disabled due to violations with their code of conduct. I did no such thing. Why was my account disabled? There goes all my contacts and photos. I don't know what to do.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Is back at it again.

Hi everyone, Sorry that I haven't written for a long time, been awfully lazy. Yes I admit it, I haven't felt like writing much lately. Been spending way too much time on Facebook, becoming a zombie like everyone else who are out of work. Has been taking a break from looking for another job to looking for a house to buy for my mom. Not much luck, everything we have looked at either needs alot of work or is too small.

There are alot of activities coming up that I would like to report on. O'bon season is coming and I would like to hit as many as I can this year. The more I dance, the better I should get right? Been trying to find things to do to get out of the house, like new places to volunteer my time. My wife and I might volunteer with the, Chinatown Historical Society if we can find a way to do so. I wanted to get back to volunteering at the Japanese American National Museum, but no one has replied to my Volunteer application, I turned in awhile back. Has a feeling, they don't want me back. =(

Other news, I have found some friends on Facebook that I haven't seen or heard from since Graduating High School, and Family friends who surprised us with actually signing up for Facebook. To other personal things, like me turning 38 and noticing that I am slowly going bald. Can't afford rogaine and I have to remember that all things in life are Impermenant including my hair. To other frustrating things like our Zune conking out on us, and made me wipe its memory to start over again.

Ok thats enough rght now til I can figure out more things to write, now back to veging out on

Monday, January 11, 2010

Job Search and other BS

Wow, noticed I stopped blogging back in November. Been busy trying to get my Paranormal group going, and looking for a job. Job Hunting has been so hard, I apply to places and then get turned down. Sometimes I wonder if I am either too qualified or just too old to find a job. Its like my CA School of Culinary Arts degree isn't worth crap in the real world. All the hospitality jobs I applied to probably see the school on my resume and then decide on someone else. I wish I knew how bad the school was before I went there, would've saved me alot of pain looking for a job. .Oh well, back to my job search