Thursday, July 16, 2015

We got braces and forced into a diet.

      Wow, noticed that I haven't written here in a long time. As my last post said it was diet time, but that didn't really go any where. Recently I was forced into a diet. More like my wife and I was forced into one. We are getting braces. So far I got the Bottom put in and my wife got the top ones. We have to go back on August 6th to get the rest put in.
      So far I have been in a lot of pain because when they put on my bottom braces, they also put metal brackets around my top molars, and put two cement balls on the bottom molars to open up my bite. So it's been so hard to chew and with the metal hooks on the brackets digging into my cheeks has been so painful, it even hurts to swallow too. The thought of having braces for the next two years, is a grave one for me. Since I love to eat, I won't be able to eat what I love anymore. It's mostly oatmeal and soft foods now. Hopefully my wife and I will lose a lot of weight because of this.